Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Witchcraft is powerless against the children of God

1] Satan is the greatest sorcerer and is always doing witchcraft against the children of God, these are the fiery darts; however, it can hurt none; so how much less we could damage any act of sorcery of any witch!?

2] Telepathy worldly does not exist; simply, it is the message from a demon, that can talk at the ears or mind of those people who do not have God, and running to another person of the same spiritual genre, to tells him/her the same thing [remember that demons are fallen angels, and can travel with great speed].

3] The warlocks and his followers believe that they guess, because they don't know that what happens, it is what I wrote them in the previous point, in # 2 above; that, for example, while a warlock tells to his client: "It is going to fall you an elephant on your head at reach the corner", so when the customer is on the corner, the same demon that talked to the sorcerer, throws the elephant. Do you understand now?
   a] If you see that yoga, or whoever could to keep a human body floating in the air, and truly is floating, really are the demons that are holding.

 b] If a magician, or whoever, could bend a spoon with his sight, they are the demons who do it; or it is trick  .......

The only spiritual and/or mental real and genuine communication is the one that God's children can to receive, through the same spirit, the spirit of God; either we all at once; as the one here and another there. For this reason is that several pastors in different and extreme parts of the world could be preaching on the same subject at the same time, without having agreed each other. This can happen through the Holy Spirit, revealing what we have to talk at that time and   place}.
[look 1Corinthians 2: 10-16]; [John 14: 15 to 17.26]; [Romans 8:16].

The Christian is a winner against witchcraft, and against darts of the devil, when is fully dressed with full battle armor, The Armor of God. The Christian Armour. 

Look at the seven weapons or parts of the armor of the Christian, in [Ephesians 6: 10-18]

[v.14] >> (1) - the truth; and (2) - the breastplate of righteousness;
[v.15] >> (3) - bringing the Gospel;
[v.16] >> (4) - Genuine faith;
[v.17] >> (5) - The Helm gives salvation "This is the Holy Spirit";
                   (6) - The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God "This is the word with power acquired by God "; and 
[v.18] >> (7) - constantly praying with thanksgiving by the brothers in Christ.

We while being completely covered with the armor of God, no dart of Satan can affect us. The darts are temptations; tribulations that may not affect us emotionally or spiritually; the curses of the enemy, that cannot ever get to you because they have no power against us. No evil that destroys, divides y defeat, have any part in Jesus Christ our Lord.

"If God is with us and in us and we in Him, no one can be against us “ because "In Christ, we are more than conquerors" [Romans 8: 31-39]

So like it or not, there are two spiritual kingdoms in this world: "The Kingdom of Darkness, or of Death"; and "The Glorious Reign of Christ" {Luke 17:20, 21; 11:20; 10: 9; 12:32; Matthew 13:37, 38, 47-49}; {1P. 2: 9} << + >> {Romans 5:14}

But all people that are left move through Christ, to his Kingdom, don't live under the Kingdom of Death, which it is from Adam 
{Colossians 1:13} . 
And this is the inheritance of sin; that God sent Jesus Christ and His Kingdom with Him, to this world, to move us to His Kingdom. But for those that Christ is not yet His King, are still living into the Kingdom of Darkness, among the dead.
{Matthew 8:22; John 5:25; Romans 5: 12-21; 8: 10-16}

The Lord Bless them all infinitely. Amen



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